Capabilities & Fees

Web Work

Item Standard Fees


Home page design and preparation


  • your logo in a colorful banner (you provide the logo, we can scan it)

  • basic info about who you are and what you do (up to 100 words)

  • clip art for highlights or "bullits" (up to three different clips)

  • one photo or drawing (you provide it, we can scan it)

  • keywords ( known as Meta Tags) that will help your web public find you (up to 15 keywords)


VirtualSafari - an educational site
The BEC - a non-profit site
Digital Inspections  -  a commercial site
Corvallis Community Theatre - a community theatre promotional site

Additional site design   $50 per hour  
Animated GIF
based on image created by McFall&Walker
  Cost of spot drawing plus

  $25 per frame

This animation is composed of 8 original frames (some used more than once), so the total cost would be $195.00

Animated GIF
based on your image
  $25 per frame  
Digital Photography and/or retouching/editing $50.00 per hour plus mileage, travel

Scanning, optimizing your photo $30.00 per image  

Cartooning/ Drawings

Item Fees


Spot Drawing
    black & white
$50.00 each

I can be made into an animated GIF, too!  

Color Illustration
     with one revision
$85.00 each

Revisions $50.00 per hour  
Poster Design $125  

Classes & Seminars

Topic, class size and duration determines the fee.  For example, a 2 hour cartoon class session with two instructors is likely to be in the neighborhood of $200, plus supplies.

Writing/Technical Writing

We have created easy-to-use online help for nationally-known software development companies such as Digital Inspections, PenMetrics, and PacBell.  The help file becomes a critical component of the application itself, and can be context sensitive.  

For marketing and public relations, we develop brochures and custom multi-media presentations.  For conferences, we develop proceedings and reference packets along with the multi-media presentations.

Recent magazine articles have been published in GeoSpatial Solutions Magazine and Quilter's Newsletter Magazine.

Call 541-757-4977 for a proposal.

Legal Notes  (i.e. "the small print")

For web applications, we keep the original art, you buy the rights to use it.  Contracts are required.

Photographs require signed release forms from subjects.

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