Humour, Language, Reference

The American•British British•American Dictionary
for English Speaking People

by Jeremy Smith

“Giant Gambian rats devour this kind of book”
— Ngudu



The American-British British-American Dictionary is the first place to turn when you encounter a Briticism or Americanism. The dictionary illuminates differences in vocabulary, usage, pronunciation, and spelling. A number of articles describe the history of English, how and why differences arose, and what those differences are. A set of tables include national holidays, kings and queens, and money.



Jeremy Smith grew up in southeast England, went to the kinds of schools now depicted in movies, and graduated as a botanist from London in 1976. He migrated to California, began life as a computer professional, and avoided being in movies. His hobbies include global travel, artificial life, and going to the movies.


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ISBN 0-9745934-1-9 (paper)
US $20.01 UK £15.05 264 pages


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